Do you want to lose fat, get fitter and feel more confident in yourself? 

Fed up having to pay for a gym membership you don’t use? 

Do you feel like you could train more consistently if you didn’t have to do the drive or walk  to the gym everyday? 

Fyre Training gives you access to multiple On-Demand training programs, coached by our world class coaches. We offer calorie-specific meal plans and 1-1 support from an expert Fyre coach.

Our programs will enable you to transform your body, mind and health with ease. Our coaches will motivate you, pushing you to be your best self. Experience gym-level classes from the comfort of your own home

  • FYRE Transform program

    Beginners fitness

  • FYRE Mum

    prenatal & postnatal

  • FYRE Db Shred

    Dumbbell HIIT & strength

  • FYRE Swole & Flexy

    Muscle Building

  • FYRE Stop, Drop & Flow


  • oh hiit

    high intensity

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Each program is 4 weeks in duration and will help you reach your specific goal. Get coaching from some of the top fitness experts in the fitness industry, learn how to move correctly & get results. All without having to spend hours in a gym or even leave your house.


We also provide meal plans, calorie & macronutrient recommendations based on your goals to ensure what you are doing outside of your workouts is helping you see the results you want. This is where we begin to separate ourselves from other On-Demand programs.

Not only do we help you with nutrition in the form of Calorie Recommendations and Meal plans, but if you opt for a premium program you can also get access to a coach at Fyre who will be there to support you and answer any questions you have. Track your progress with our Fyre app and gain access to a coach who will provide you tailored feedback and suggestions for improvement.


The Fyre app can also be synced with your apple watch to help you easily monitor aspects of your day such as daily cal burn, daily steps and even the amount of sleep you are getting per night.