
Prioritise definition with head coach Orla’s fantastic workouts. Orla focuses on strengthening and conditioning every area of the body, creating a leaner, healthier, more powerful physique.

About Orla Hopkins

Head Coach of FYRE DB Shred

Co-Founder of New Dimensions Activewear, fitness trainer & coach specialising in gymnastics, dance & home workouts. Mum to Noa & Hunter, wife to Tommy.

 Orla’s mission is to motivate who she can by encouraging them to Get Up & Move. She loves to share her daily workouts, food tips and an insight to her crazy life as a fitness loving, working mum in the hope that others see how important it is to take time for themselves and to reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

Her Qualifications include; 

ITEC Dip. Sports & Exercise

ITEC Dip. Sports Therapy & PT

IG Level 1 & 2 Gymnastics Coaching

Dip. Exercise & Dance to Music

What is the FYRE DB Shred Program?

Want to build a more defined body? Then Fyre DB Shred is perfect for you.  

Our Head coach Orla will lead you through 4 workouts per week, 1 Lower Body, 1 Upper Body, 1 Full Body & Final Conditioning Day consisting of a HIIT workout. Learn the fundamentals to moving safely & correctly while also losing fat, getting stronger & having fun. Move through our levels and follow a progressive program which will keep you challenged and moving the right direction.

  • 2 x Dumbbells

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  • 1 x Yoga Mat

    not essential, you can complete the workout without

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  • 1 x Mini Band

    not essential, you can complete the workout without

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